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Rosa The Rosa Group is a manufacturer and artists' community from Ukraine. Despite the unknownness, Rosa's products are not inferior to the big, well-known brands. Rosa combines old traditions with modern techniques, bringing high-quality artist products to the market. The Rosa Gallery series paints are of artist quality, made for the real painter who works with only the most vibrant, tested and colourfast pigments. The Rosa Studio series paints are of studio quality, that is, paint that is cheaper to practice with, but with which your artwork can still last for a century. In this way Rosa fulfills the wish of every artist.

The Rosa Gallery acrylic paint is of artist quality, made for the real painter who works with only the brightest, tested and colorfast pigments.

The Rosa Studio acrylic paint are of study quality, that is, paint of slightly lower quality than the Gallery series, and therefore slightly cheaper. This makes the Rosa Studio acrylic paint more interesting to practice with. You don't have to worry about sustainability, artworks made with study paint also remain beautiful for centuries. In this way Rosa fulfills the wish of every artist.

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